Monday, May 12, 2008

The More the Merrier! XD

Yay! I got my custom made doll carrying bag/case today. I was surprised how big it is! I originally wanted it to fit only 3 pullips/taeyangs but thanks to my not-so-good-tape-measuring-skills it's big enough to fit 5 dollies! XD It could even use it a laptop bag. haha.

The whole bag:
doll carrying bag (by -=april=-)

the more the merrier!!! (by -=april=-)


Anonymous said...

Such a big bag. I wish I only had a small one. MUst be goof for traveling to different countries.

Rui said...

I have something similar that I bought from a shop here, it's as big as yours! But I just need to sew some belts to secure the dollies XD