Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What Else are Missing?

They are out of their boxes and have new clothes but they still have something missing. They don't have a name yet! For weeks, I just keep on calling them Pullip and Taeyang. But I really suck in the name-giving department.

I originally like the names Sebastian and Aisling. But as I look for better names, I listed too many and that made it impossible for me to choose. So I asked help form HOP forum members and my friends. One of my friends said that it would be best if they'll have Japanese names since they look like anime characters. I actually like Japanese names. They are so cute.

A lot of them chose the name Kyrie. I thought about that name when I was walking going home. I really like how it sounds. But the name Kairi always reminds me or a red-haired girl for Kingdom Hearts. Good thing, in one of my searches, I found an alternative spelling which is Kyrie. ^^

My sister helped me in making the final decision for Ren's name. It was a tie between Ren and Ty (short for Tyson, Tyler...ect.). I like both names so I made her choose and she picked Ren. ^^

From then on, they were called... Kyrie and Ren. ^^

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